So Athene the worlds most famous record breaking profession gamer is going to go for EU first level 60 on Diablo 3, He will be doing it 4 player Co-Op with other WoW legends including Hydra, in my eyes the worlds best Priest player and has been for years. Braindeadly, the Neilyo of Hunters :D and of course Jimos the funny Retribution Paladin, its nice to see the three Englishmen with Athene I bet they are having such a laugh getting prepared for this. Athene is promoting this on his live stream Operation Sharecraft.
I am pretty confident he will make the record as he is a very intelligent gamer and has been practicing on the Diablo 3 Beta a fair amount, and with the amount of fans helping him just like with WoW record and Starcraft record etc. It should not be too hard for him.
Check out his live stream he will be starting very soon
Can't wait to play it, It would be awesome...